The material presented on this website is a work of fiction meant to enhance a storytelling community based in Second Life. The Nanite Systems name and logo design are used in homage to PlanetSide 2 by Daybreak Games. We are not associated with Daybreak Games or their former parent company Sony in any way. These elements of branding are not registered trademarks in any country (that we know of), and no harm is intended by their use. Our company does not utilize any assets from the PlanetSide series beyond the name and logo design of Nanite Systems; we are not among the many who commit content piracy in Second Life by selling content stolen from video games.
To our knowledge, Daybreak has been aware of our usage of the brand since 2016, and is uninterested in pursuing any legal action. Very few of our customers are aware of the PlanetSide series; and all those we've spoken to about the matter appreciate the reference nostalgically (being former PS2 players) and are under no delusion that we represent Daybreak Games in any way. From time to time this seems to alarm members of the r/planetside2 subreddit. Please consider the preceding information while forming your opinions.
For further inquiries concerning branding or any other matter, please contact support.