companion 8.4
Recreation just got a whole lot more recreational.

In 2015, we had some great and groundbreaking releases of the standard SXD firmware used on all of our civilian cortex machines.

  • System 8.0 brought the first-ever package management system to a gridside robotics platform.
  • System 8.1 introduced a cutting-edge user management and security system capable of supporting a huge number of users.
  • System 8.2 added our revolutionary vox speech modulation pipeline.
  • System 8.3 made possible some truly unique and exciting interaction methods through the addition of Exhibition 4, including potentially hundreds of concurrent remote access users.

So what could we do to top all this off and make our next release even more amazing? We turned to our long-time business partners at Tai Yong Labs and asked them what they needed to be able to get the most out of their experience. We think the result is going to be so much better, we're even renaming the OS to Companion. Because that's exactly what it will give you.

Restraints you love.

RestrainedLife-compatible relay Tired of wearing a bulky collar device just to get RLV functionality? We've got you covered. 8.4 includes a full relay so you can leave your old, software-heavy gear behind—except when you want it.


Automatic path-following with the Navigation Routing System The new standard for avatar automation. Using our new Navigation system, it's easy to have your robot patrol an area, give tours of your business, or simply scrub the floors at home—just build the pathway once, and the machine will be able to follow it as many times and as often as you like.


Advanced auxiliary power system In Companion 8.4, even when your unit is powered off, it's still alive. Emergency mode can be used to let it radio for help, monitor its surroundings, and more using the auxiliary power capacitor in most chassis.


hierarchy/XNMS domain management With the new hierarchy/XNMS domain architecture, setting system policies for dozens or hundreds of machines can be done with a single script—and you can easily add or remove users from your organization's entire automated workforce simultaneously. If there's one thing robots are great at doing, it's organizing efficiently.

Now available.

To install the latest release of Companion, see Support: Updating to the latest firmware.

Full patch and installation notes for this release are available here.

And that's it! Stay tuned in the Nanite Systems User Group for news on tutorials and guides about how to get the most out of 8.4.